Sunday, January 13, 2013

Day 26 - Church and Party and Church and Party

We love to spend time with people. Even better, we love to spend time with family. And even better than that we love that Denys loves to spend time with our family. Since today was within 48 hours of his departure, we decided a party was in order.

After church most of the Robinsons, a few of the Hatchetts, and some Griffiths gathered at Gmama's for pizza, salad, and cake. We had a wonderful time visiting and enjoying each other's company. And every single person in attendance had pictures made with the Guest of Honor!

Now, this silly boy gets excited easily, but his thrill was palpable when I pulled out the camera. When he arrived he'd already hugged everyone in the room. (He discovered early on this is way we greet each other in our world!) But the wattage of his smile was amped up immeasurably for these photos. I wish there were room to post every single one of these, because they are precious.

This is how we roll.

I know I can tell you all day how much fun we have together and how close we are, but I had a chance to grab a picture that sort-of explains this "Robinson Phenomenon" in a way words cannot. See, even Daddy Mac was in on the action!

The kiddos played like crazy in the yard and were completely filthy. MG was in such bad shape she had to have a shower before she could leave Gmama's. Jason then took her and the boys home for showers before church began - Because NO ONE wanted to sit and sniff "stinky boy" during the service. (I'm not sure anyone loves The Preacher that much.)

AR is still a bit puny so I let her finish her nap and then headed to church a bit late. But seeing as how I brought pizza and cake for dinner after the service, no one seemed to mind my tardiness.

So we ate and talked and just enjoyed each other's company. (Did I mention that we love to spend time with folks?) Of course, the kids were bored with pizza rather quickly and went to wreak havoc on one of the Sunday School rooms. Amazingly enough, when time came to clean up, the mess had not been made by a single one of my children! Too bad for them; they had to clean it up anyway.

Dad wins again.
We came home and, as I'm trying to get the kiddos settled in, I hear a roar coming from J's room. Apparently Dad and the boys had decided a little wrestle mania was in order. I think Jason whipped them all pretty soundly, but they returned again and again. Yes, Mom just stayed on the outskirts and watched and managed to avoid being dragged into the melee.

Monday's are always wild around here. I've got several loads of laundry that need to be finished and a suitcase, looking smaller and smaller, that needs to be packed. We'll also do our usual piano and gymnastics. It's probably a very good thing we'll be rather busy and somewhat distracted since no one is looking forward to Tuesday morning.


*There will be no 4 Under $40 this week.


  1. Awe...I would love to see ALL of the pictures you have taken!

    1. Lauren, there are well over 200 - probably closer to 300 - pictures made while he was here!

  2. Praying for you guys! Especially on Tuesday!
    Much love from afar!!!
